Why Messages From Tracys Angels?
Hello and welcome to my website my name is Tracy I am a bubbly physic and spiritual medium, reiki crystal healer and spiritual teacher. It has taken some years to get to where I am now, but have put years of work and trust into building up my own business which I run independently. I have always known from a early age that i was different, and I could never understand why! My grandmother whom is my sprit guide was a spirtualist,and I was told by my mother it was handed down to me. so when I sadly lost my first son I had many experiences and validation, which led ,me to carry fourth my work with spirit. Which i solely help others through their process of grief and pain to heal with the help of my spirit team, angels and guides. I work from the heart and I have read for may people all over the world including America Australia and Canada I am now teaching and mentoring others to assist on their own spiritual path, and i have recently started platform for audiences in my local city. I will continue to grow my dream with you all. I look forward to working with you. blessings Tracy x
Please find me on:
Facebook- messagesfromtracysangels
Instagram - messagesfromtracy
Tiktok - physicmediumtracy
Youtube - Messagesfromtracysangels11 - Tracy Mizzen